The Goree Girls: The Story Behind the Best Prison Band in Texas History BY BOBBIE JEAN SAWYER 6 MONTHS Photobucket/Blulyzrd In the 1940s, the Goree All Girl String Band was one of the most popular all-female country and western groups in America. The eight-piece band was flooded with fan letters filled with breathless admiration and marriage proposals. … Continue reading THE GOREE GIRLS

This ancient thought exercise will have you questioning your identity

May 6, 2018 by PHILIP PERRY   It’s a myth that you get a new body every 7-10 years. The reason is, different cells last different lengths of time. Colon cells last only about four days, skin cells two to three weeks, and neurons a lifetime. In that, the body you are in now is not the … Continue reading This ancient thought exercise will have you questioning your identity

7 THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS  APRIL 19, 2018 by SCOTTY HENDRICKS The Veil of Ignorance This experiment was devised by John Rawls in 1971 to explore notions of justice in his book A Theory of Justice. Suppose that you and a group of people had to decide on the principles that would establish a new society. However, none of you know … Continue reading 7 THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS

Elon Musk’s Boring Company wants to sell you its excavated rock in ‘LEGO-like’ kits March 27, 2018 by STEPHEN JOHNSON The Boring Company, Elon Musk’s venture that aims to solve traffic congestion with underground tunnels that would transport cars on “electric skates” at high speeds, excavates tons of rock in the process of digging tunnels. What’s the company to do with all that rock? Musk wants to hollow it … Continue reading Elon Musk’s Boring Company wants to sell you its excavated rock in ‘LEGO-like’ kits


Here is what Americans put in the ground each year through traditional burials: 20 million feet of wood, 4.3 million gallons of embalming fluids, 1.6 million tons of reinforced concrete, 17,000 tons of copper and bronze, and 64,500 tons of steel, according to the Green Burial Council. CLICK PICTURE FOR GOOD ARTICLE IN THE … Continue reading GREEN BURIALS

At Current Rates Of Use World Could Run Out Of Thoughts And Prayers By As Early As 2019


USA-CHINA/CLIMATEA worldwide shortage of thoughts and prayers may leave us with no choice but to actually do something by as early as January 2019, researchers are warning, after a recent study revealed the popular refrain is now fueling 93% of government inaction globally. And we are running out.Dr. Tim Freely, a leading expert in thinking and praying, and author of the book Act Now Or Forever Wring Your Hands, explains:

“The trouble is that back in the 50’s, when they first started using this phrase as a catch-all for ‘I’m not motivated to actually do something here but feel obligated to open and close my mouth in some fashion or other,’ politicians and community leaders had no idea how much they’d be relying on this platitude by the time the 21st century rolled around. And now we’re just plain running out. Of thoughts. Of prayers. And of patience.”

Freely isn’t alone in sounding the alarm. The Global School for Total Ineffectiveness has said that not only are the current consumption rates of thoughts and prayers at unsustainable levels, but that we are also extremely low on condolences and general declarations of unity in these difficult times.

“It’s pretty simple really,” says Dominic McMercy, president of GSTI. “The ‘Doing Something To Prevent Kids From Getting Shot At School’ lobby is severely underfunded in [The United States of Thoughts and Prayers]. Much as there remains no lobby for ‘The Protection Of Indigenous Persons From Discrimination And Summary Execution’ up there in Canada. Because it’s politically easier to apologize for the collateral damage in these areas than it is to take on the rigours of change.”

McMercy says that studies have repeatedly shown that when a problem is viewed as too difficult or distasteful to bite into, politicians will often just pretend to chew it “through a process referred to as ‘lip service.’”

“Until we run out of patience with that. And then our leaders are left with the bald decision of either doing something, or assuming the horrifyingly honest silence of the uncaring.”

For more satire and commentary, follow The Out And Abouter on Facebook, or @outandabouter on Twitter.

The Out And Abouter

USA-CHINA/CLIMATEA worldwide shortage of thoughts and prayers may leave us with no choice but to actually do something by as early as January 2019, researchers are warning, after a recent study revealed the popular refrain is now fueling 93% of government inaction globally. And we are running out.

Dr. Tim Freely, a leading expert in thinking and praying, and author of the book Act Now Or Forever Wring Your Hands, explains:

“The trouble is that back in the 50’s, when they first started using this phrase as a catch-all for ‘I’m not motivated to actually do something here but feel obligated to open and close my mouth in some fashion or other,’ politicians and community leaders had no idea how much they’d be relying on this platitude by the time the 21st century rolled around. And now we’re just plain running out. Of thoughts. Of prayers. And of patience.” 

Freely isn’t…

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Physicists Aim to Classify All Possible Phases of Matter   Article by Natalie Wolchover Many scientists are beginning to realize that we live in an information universe where information about the physical makeup of reality resides in an ocean entangled bits of quantum information called 'qubits'. How this information collects determines the state of matter and spin of elementary particles  These phases show up … Continue reading Physicists Aim to Classify All Possible Phases of Matter

The Wampanoag Side of the First Thanksgiving Story

From the Native perspective: The true story of Thanksgiving Michelle Tirado • November 23, 2011 Too often the story of the 1621 Thanksgiving is told from the Pilgrims’ point of view, and when the Wampanoag, who partook in this feast too, are included, it is usually in a brief or distorted way. In search … Continue reading The Wampanoag Side of the First Thanksgiving Story